
Package Contents#


load_credit_approval(→ Tuple[pandas.DataFrame, ...)

Loads the Credit Approval dataset and prepares it for machine learning.

palma.datasets.load_credit_approval() Tuple[pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Series]#

Loads the Credit Approval dataset and prepares it for machine learning.

The Credit Approval dataset is loaded using the uci_dataset library. The target variable ‘A16’ is transformed into binary labels, where ‘+’ is encoded as True and ‘-’ as False. Categorical features (‘A13’, ‘A4’, ‘A6’, ‘A7’, ‘A5’) are ordinal encoded using sklearn’s OrdinalEncoder. Binary features (‘A12’, ‘A9’, ‘A10’, ‘A1’) are converted to boolean values.

Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]
A tuple containing the features (X) and target labels (y) for

machine learning tasks.